Green Rabbit Community Update
September 18th, 2021
Hello Rabbits!! Following up on our last update to you one week ago, we have been very busy “back at the factory” working to deliver on the details mentioned in our last release. We are very pleased to be able to share some of the developments here for you now.
Greenprint Crafting Competitions
In the September 11th update, we had indicated we would have the leaderboard functions ready and we would start the crafting competitions on September 25th. Well we are happy to tell you all, that this will be coming out live today, with the first week of competition starting tomorrow. All weekly competitions will run from Sunday to Saturday and will be based on UTC time. So, manage you crafting schedule accordingly, there will not be exceptions to this. When the weekly timer starts, it starts and when it ends, it ends. The numbers will be final. ALL ties will be handled with a wheel spin.
Week 1 Competition — HIGHEST overall FAILURE numbers for Greenprint crafting
· The top three rabbits with the highest overall failure numbers for the week, will win the prizes. It does not matter what you craft with, whether it is 4-Component or 3D figures, whether it is Common or Mythic rarity. It will simply be those with the highest overall combined failure numbers for crafting.
· Prizes will be as follows:
1st — 3000 WAX
2nd — 2000 WAX
3rd — 1000 WAX
Week 2 Competition — HIGHEST overall SUCCESS numbers of Greenprint crafting
· The top three rabbits with the highest overall success numbers for the week, will win the prizes. It does not matter what you craft with, whether it is 4-Component or 3D figures, whether it is Common or Mythic rarity. It will simply be those with the highest overall combined success numbers for crafting.
· Prizes will be as follows:
1st — 3000 WAX
2nd — 2000 WAX
3rd — 1000 WAX
Week 3 Competition — HIGHEST overall SUCCESS to FAILURE Ratio
· The top three rabbits with the highest overall success to failure ratio for the week, will win the prizes. It does not matter what you craft with, whether it is 4-Component or 3D figures, whether it is Common or Mythic rarity. It will simply be those with the highest overall combined success to failure ratio for crafting. Caveat, you must craft a minimum of 20 times during the week to qualify for this competition.
· Prizes will be as follows:
1st — 3000 WAX
2nd — 2000 WAX
3rd — 1000 WAX
Greenprint Crafting Update
Now we are sure with all of the above you are thinking, this is just going to flood the market with even more Greenprints. To an extent you are correct. That said, we will strongly advise you NOT to flood the market with you GP’s as you successfully craft them. The team is working aggressively right now on the “GP Fusion” functionality and our next update will have a heavy focus on this. We believe with what is coming, it will be beneficial to hang onto the GPs as they will tie into a number of decision-making aspects of gameplay that is coming along.
The other very important point of note here that is important is as follows: We will be removing the refunds of Shellinium that are received on failed Greenprint crafting attempts. This will happen prior to the start of the second week of competition and we will notify the horde when this occurs.
Single-click crafting — This was released a couple of days ago in an effort to reduce the CPU requirement you are all experiencing with three-click crafting, as well as providing an overall smoother experience with the crafting interface.
Failed to Fetch and Unable to Sign — These are error messages that some rabbits have been experiencing with claiming staked Shellinium as well as in the GP crafting. While our team is optimizing everything they can to reduce these, some of them are unfortunately not directly within our control and relate to the chain and associated API calls. We will continue to work to improve this wherever possible.
Greenprint Fusion & Boosting
Greenprint Fusion will be the next MVP functionality we release after the Crafting Competition Leaderboards. Greenprint fusion at a high level, will see Rabbits being able to attempt to combine their Greenprints through a Fusion interface. If you are successful in your fusion, you will receive something exciting and new in Nanotopia (more details to come in our next release!). This new item will serve multiple purposes in future gameplay, including GP Boosting and Materials Foraging. The only path at this time to acquire this new item, will be through the GP Fusion, which in turn will require Greenprints to fuse. You can likely see why we are suggesting you hold onto those successful GP crafts.
Optimization Chip V1 — Stat Chip
This too is something that is actively being developed. The intention of the stat chip for all holders of it, will be that once plugged into your hub, you will be able to have immediate visibility on your screens for such stats as probability tables and the like. We will have a further update on this exciting little item soon as well.
Green Rabbit Team Expansion
We are very excited to announce that we are currently in the hiring process to add five (5) more members to the team. This will allow us to continue to tackle the development at a greater pace, while also ensuring that the user experience is stable and sound for each release.
Thank you so much to all of you who have continued to believe in us and our vision for this project. We are as committed as ever, to bringing you the best experience on WAX. More to come soon, good luck with your crafting!