Lore Update — Shaman Stories

Green Rabbit Game
4 min readOct 25, 2021


The Tortured Tale of Samil — Part V (…Conclusion)

Tortured tales of Samil are still told to this day. He is said to walk the landscapes of Nanotopia, swinging the huge symbol on a chain. Overcome with his hatred for the world. Looking to extract his revenge on those who cross his path, only taking mercy on those like him…those who have not bonded with a Totem.

If you are brave enough to roam the landscapes of Nanotopia during the dying days of harvest, be sure to stay alert. Those footsteps you hear falling on the trail behind you could just be….Samil the Totem Snatcher!

Halloween 2021 — VERY Limited Edition Foraging Character Release

Samil, The Totem Snatcher will be available and you will not want to miss this ONCE only opportunity, to snag 1 of only 200 of these dynamic NFTs. He will be available in the Shell Road store until all 200 have sold with a limit of one per player. As you have learned from the Lore, Samil was a fearless and successful Trailbreaker during his life. Trailbreakers are the characters you will use, to forage for your materials in the Materials Foraging Missions (MFMs).

WHEN: Wednesday, October 27th @ Noon PT
WHERE: The Shell Road Marketplace
COST: 25,000,000 Shellinium
LIMITS: 1 per player — ONLY 200 Available. Will NOT be released again

For those fortunate enough to procure one of this extremely limited characters, they will receive 12 hour early access to the Materials Foraging Missions upon the release of the Mats Foraging Missions. How will this be controlled upon release? Anyone who has one of these characters will be able to play the game immediately upon the missions release. 12 hours later, the first Foraging Mission Character Packs will go on sale for everyone else. This means that anyone that procures on of these packs, will be able to immediately start playing the missions as well. The cost for these packs will be lower than the prices of the exclusive limited edition Samil character NFTs.

Upon release of the Trailbreaker Foraging Mission Characters, there will be three core Rarity Types. Common, Uncommon and Epic. Each character will have three base Stat Attributes consisting of Strength, Speed and Luck.

Strength will influence if your character is injured on foraging missions and if so, to what degree. Speed will influence the time it will take you to complete your foraging missions. Finally, Luck will influence, should you be successful, how much if any additional materials you will bring back with you.

Stats will be disbursed on new characters of the above mentioned rarity types, in the following way:

Samil The Totem Snatcher will be a Limited Edition character that will be released at the equivalent of an Epic character. However, rather than have his statistics aligned directly with the Epic base distribution as outlined above, Samil’s will be as follows:

As you level your character, you will receive an additional stat point that you can distribute as you see fit, on top of the base stats laid out above. Furthermore, as you level your character and achieve certain levels, your character will evolve. As you have seen from the Lore releases here, Samil will evolve along with your progress, from the base level first image, to the overwhelmingly frightening last version you see here below!

As Green Rabbit ventures down the path of exciting increased gameplay activities, you will be able to expect more and more engaging storylines and adventures coming your way. To kick this off and aligned with the incredible Lore surrounding Samil, do not miss the extremely limited, 2021 Halloween collectible and playable character. You WILL NOT get this chance again!




Green Rabbit Game
Green Rabbit Game

Written by Green Rabbit Game

Green Rabbit is providing the NFT community with the most comprehensive, exciting and rewarding gaming experience in the WAX Metaverse. LFG!

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