Lore Update — Shaman Stories
The Tortured Tale of Samil — Part III (…Continued)
Samil took to the work and enjoyed being in this group of adventurous Nanotopians. Time passed, and Samil pair bonded and had a child. From the outside it looked like, with the help of the Shaman, Samil had stabilized and accepted his role in society.
Hiding inside was the jealousy and entitlement most thought had gone. Samil still wanted nothing more than to be an Ultra-Anima racer known throughout the world. With the access to materials his work as a Trailbreaker provided, he had another plan. Keeping small amounts of the materials he had foraged for others, Samil planned to make his own Armor, eventually collecting the required amounts from the different landscapes of Nanotopia.
Totem or not, he was convinced of his destiny. He was only missing one crucial element, a mythic Ascendant Orb. Samil waited for Shaman Koxa to leave on a quest to visit the temple in the High Mountain Hillsides.
Late that night Samil gathered the materials he had been secretly acquiring. He then brought them to Shaman Koxa’s temple. He snuck inside and prepared for the unprecedented attempt. Shunning the Nanotopian ways, Samil began the process of crafting the Anima-Armor. Without a Green Print there was no telling what would come out the other side.
Alone in the temple, with the rest of the process nearing completion it was time to add the orb. Samil approached it with madness gleaming in his eyes, drunk on dreams of power, with no thought of repercussions. The moment he laid his hands on the orb his partner appeared in the temple doorway with their child in her arms, having followed him after watching him sneak from the house. The power coursed wildly through Samil.