Materials Foraging — Release Update
December 2nd, 2021
RABBITS!!! The time is upon us. It is the eve of the release we have all been waiting for. At 5AM PT tomorrow morning (Friday, December 3rd, 2021), the Green Rabbit Material Foraging Missions will be released. This is an exciting time for the Green Rabbit Team and Community as we bring this comprehensive gameplay function to the WAX Metaverse. Thank you for being on this journey with us.
For all of those with a Samil Character, you will have immediate access upon completion of deployment. The subsequent Forager Pack release will happen for those previously whitelisted, via The Shell Road Marketplace at 5 PM PT (12 hours after the missions release).
Also, a huge thank you to the incredible community we have. A sizable group of Baller Hodlers came together with the idea to play Santa and are giving a Forager Pack to a number of lucky Rabbits in the community. Most of the recipients have already been notified and will no longer partake in the whitelisted drop. Instead they will receive the BallerSantas airdrop at about the same time as the Forager Pack Drop. Happy Solstice!!
Materials Foraging Tables
We had previously released the tables below and had indicated we would keep them as true to the original published numbers as possible, however would indicate if any numbers had been adjusted. These are the accurate tables that will be released with the Missions on Friday, December 3rd, 2021.
Available Base Missions Table
A few key points to make regarding the table above
- Avg Time — This is based on the normal average weather for each region within the Tiers. In Tier I missions, the average is 2 hours, however with ideal weather it could be 1 and with miserable weather it could be 3.
- Avg XP on Success — This is based on the average length of time for the mission. If the mission for example, is 1 hour in Tier I as opposed to the average of 2 hours, that number will be reduced by 50%. If it is 3 hours, it will be increased by 50%
- Avg XP on Failure — This is exactly the same as point 2 above.
- Shell Cost / Mission Hour — This means if the mission is 1 hour in length, it will cost this amount. As the mission increases in length, so too does the cost.
- Mats / Hour — This should also be multiplied by the length of the mission you are attempting, to get the expected Materials value that will be returned as base materials should your Forager achieve success.
Forager Luck Calculations
At a maximum, luck can never bring a probability of greater than 30%, that additional materials will be returned. When a Forager completes missions in Level 1 biome regions, the highest probability for additional materials for a Forager with level 50 luck, would be 10%. In Level 2 biome regions, the highest probability for additional materials for a Forager with level 50 luck, would be 20%. And, in Level 3 biome regions, it would be a max of 30%
If your Forager is lucky enough to bring back additional bonus materials on top of the regular haul, it will be in the sum laid out in the table above, depending on the region and mission level completed successfully.
Forager Injury Calculations
Injury Probability — The further into the levels your Forager goes, the higher the risk (yet the higher the reward!). With the Injury Probability, the Level 1 biome regions apply a default of 30% probability minus the factor of your strength level. During the Level 2 biome regions a default of 40% is applied, followed by 50% at the Level 3 biome regions. These would be the worst case scenario probabilities for injury at each mission level, if your Forager has level 1 Strength.
Injury Severity — Should your Forager be determined based on the above, to have an injury, this calculation will determine the severity of the injury (length of recovery time required). This will take into account the length of the mission that was run as well as your Foragers strength level, as well as some key variables we have applied to order to control the degree of injury time.
Max Injury Time — This is actually the maximum amount of time you can be injured for on this mission, assuming that the mission time was the longest possible due to weather. It is the result of the worst case calculations in the Injury Severity column.
Injury Recovery Buyout — In this instance, to control players that have leveled their Foragers to higher levels and then come back to do the lower level missions, we incorporate both their Forager level and their Strength level into the calculation. The buyout cost will be whatever is higher, the result of the calculation, or 10,000 Shellinium. Buyout costs, while at a respectful level, are much lower than buyout costs found in other areas of the game, such as Greenprint Crafting.
Forager Speed Calculations
There are three key elements that go into determining what if any time reduction a Forager might receive in their mission attempts. The first is the base mission time for the mission they have selected that takes into account the weather in the biome region at the time. The second is their speed level which factors into two areas of the calculation as laid out in the table above.
The final piece is a degree of randomness applied using a RANDBETWEEN type function, to ensure that missions do not become a rote period of time over and over. What this function does is determine the bottom end number using the calculation that includes your speed level (0.09 * (speed level/50)). The result is the bottom of the random range and then 0.1 (or 10%) is the top end of the range. This is a small random factor that will then get incorporated into the overall calculation, to again, make it a bit dynamic and avoid that rote experience of a consistent timeframe.
Weather Probability
At this time the weather has been kept pretty consistent. There is a 33% probability when the weather report resets each day (@ 00:00 UTC), that each mission biome region, will trigger the beautiful, picturesque weather that will result in the shortest mission timeframe. There is a 34% probability it will result in a less ideal weather pattern for the day and then there is a 33% probability it will result in very unpleasant weather.
Forager Leveling Requirements
As players work to level up their Foragers, there are typically (as mentioned in the article up above) two requirements in order to increase the level. The first requirement is adequate Experience Points (XP) and the second is an Ascendant Orb of the matching Rarity to the Forager being leveled. There are four exceptions to this, which are threshold levels that provide certain impacts and benefits. These have all been laid out in the article above and will not be repeated here. However, the table above shows the materials required at each of those threshold levels in order for the Forager to level up, as well as the XP and Orb requirements.
Upon release, Green Rabbit will as always, monitor the gameplay and make adjustments if, when and where required. Enjoy the new missions. FOR THE HORDE!!